Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The show is coming on

Tonight my coworkers and I are leaving for the annual work meeting, which is held this time at a skiing station in the French Alps. The whole Paris office is joining as well, and we’ll be staying at a wonderful 100% all inclusive (read: open bar!!!) Club Med.
I’m totally excited: for the next few days I’ll combine two of my favourite activities: skiing and partying. Add the divine SPA of the hotel, which will allow me to relax after skiing and pre-party, the fact that Kevin has been bugging me about dancing together the whole time for the last two weeks or so, and I guess you’ll understand why I’m so motivated!

Weather forecasts announce three sunny days, while it has been snowing until yesterday night, so the snow will be great. A Champagne apĂ©ro is waiting for us tonight, I got legs and bikini line waxed yesterday, and I’m ready to go!

Oh, I totally forgot, I wrote about my tentative plans with the Sponsor in my last post: in April, we’ll hit the Haute Route from Chamonix (Mont Blanc) to Zermatt (Mont Rose) on mountaineering ski. We’ll try the hardest and most spectacular of the different paths that lead from Chamonix to Zermatt, crossing between three countries (France, Italy and Switzerland) and trekking through the best part of the Alps… That’s why I’m finally back to hard-core working out: over the last week I went running or hit the gym EVERY day for at least 50 minutes (and yes, I’m really really sore, but who cares?)

Now, I’ll go back to work in order to be ready to leave when the time comes tonight, but as soon as I’ll come back I promise to fill in with all that will happen at the seminary!


Anonymous said...

have fun!

bee said...

New to this blog, read from start to finish in a day! I love love love it!!! Just one question..are you American, Italian or French because your english writing skills are wonderful!

DDgirl said...

Thanx Rebecca!

I'm Italian (partly from Switzerland however), but I used to live in England...

Take care
