Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Something is starting to fall in its place

So, as you all know, each time I go to see my parents (which is definitely not often enough..), the leaving is pretty devastating.

A song I really like, half in French and half in English keeps running in my head in these days… I actually rearranged the lyrics:

I walk into the streets, God in my pocket
I walk in the big city, and it’s cold
The Earth is my friend, and sometimes I sleep on it
And I think about my country, which was so small

Farewell my small country, farewell my family
Farewell … Italy! Farewell my lake!

I remember my country, Down Memory Lane
The wind is my best friend: it alays blows for me
Neons in the distance dear as daylight
Sometimes I think that I'm not of this world
I remember this song

Oh farewell my country, my Mediterranean land
Oh farewell Italy, the sun I just can see

I remember the streets, and the nights in Milan
And I’m always a foreigner, at the train station
The wind would blow on me, as far as he could
And I know this sound

Farewell my small country, farewell my family
Farewell … Italy! Farewell my lake!
The sun I just can’t see

Well, to make story short, I finally took matters into my hands and spoke about my leaving to KS over the weekend.
He didn’t take it very well, but not very bad either. I the end we agreed that I’ll try to make arrangements to move in March.
Now if I don’t sound super excited about it is because I still have to talk the company into transferring me to the Milan office, and due to the crisis, this may be harder than expected. But somehow I’ll deal.

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