Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Going nowhere

The Parents have come and gone, and I have survived.
Last week I was actually so stressed that I have bought two bookshelves at Ikea, assembled them and thrown away the two dusty old ones we had in the guest-rooms.
Yeah, the Panther (aka mom) worries me that much.
In order to welcome the Parents I had also prepared varied and high-quality menus for the whole weekend, not to mention that I baked a charlotte Bavarian cake with white chocolate cream and strawberries. Hopefully I’ll manage to upload a pic soon (I had KS take a pure Nigella Lawson style picture of me presenting my beautiful gateau!).

Now this week I should have gone back to Paris, but in the end they stopped the mission, so I’m hanging at the Lyon office. I could have used some quiet time in Paris, honestly: I can’t remember last time I’ve been shopping for myself. And I’d really enjoy spending a bit more time with Kevin. Honestly, he’s one of the best friends I have around here, I mean he’s always there for me, and lately I feel I really need someone I can count on.

What more? A whole lot nothing. I realized I got almost 8kg since I got to France, so I’m strictly on diet, and I’m practically eating only soup, tomatoes, salads and so on. Don’t waste your time commenting that this is not a good diet: I happen to be vegetarian, so the only way to lose weight quickly is to completely cut carbs. And, since I have a gala dinner on July 4 (and nothing to wear… yet) I need to lose it fast.

Next Sunday I’ll be 26. KS plans for the weekend: we’re going to his parents’ place. Do I need to say this is so not the way I was hoping to celebrate? Whatever. My birthday depresses me anyway, so I guess I’ll just try to forget it’s my birthday. And that I’m one year older.

I know, depressing. But I really feel I’m going nowhere. Does it ever happen to you?

PS I cannot even manage to find the 18th episode of Desperate Housewives, which, sucks. Was it my impression or the man that Susan greets kissing at the end of the 17th episode of the fourth season (five years later) is totally NOT Mike Delfino? Please let me know if you have seen it, 'cause I really wonder...


Anonymous said...

The episode where it flashes forward 5 years was the season finale in the US.

and Susan was definitly NOT kissing Mike!!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey....did you get an invite to my blog? i'm writing again but it's private now. What's your email??

Unknown said...

That episode was the season finale over here. But no it wasn't Mike I think that they did that to keep us interested for next season because most of the stuff got wrapped up. But they'll cover it (I hope)

mum said...

Hey, DDgirl - what's going on with the Hunter. I always enjoy hearing about his escapades.


DDgirl said...

PS season ending? AAAAARRRGHHHH
No more DH until August end I guess...

Well, it was a shitty season for most series anyway... thanx for the hint!