Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Dear readers,

I'm fine and back to work after a well deserved Easter vacay.

However, I may stop blogging altogether and erase the blog. This is because KS found some files on my notebook with a few entries and snooped them. So now he knows my nickname, knows enough to be able to find this blog if he wants to. Should this happen, our relationship would be greatly affected.

I'm allowing myself a little time to think about it, because KS English isn't that great, so it would take him days anyway just to go through a few entries, but I still have to make a decision.



Anonymous said...

Why delete it? You NEVER said anything bad about him at all. As a matter of fact you always talked about him in a very nice way.

I see no need to delete it.

KattaZac said...

nice dilemma... you can always blame someone else for the files in your comp

KattaZac said...

Kiss me, I'm the genius you need ^^ you can choose how many people and WHO can read the blog :) All right, it conflicts up a bit with the start-off idea of a blog being public but, what the heck, it's always better than deleting two years of facts. Besides, I haven't read up everything yet LOL
anyway... just go under settings/permissions and tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

DDgirl said...

@Kat: Yeah, I thought about going private, but I don't really like the idea...

@Anon: Of course things I write about KS are usually nice since I love him... but I still don't want him to read my blog... and he didn't really like what he already read about Sexy, for exemple...

I'm still wondering.. we'll see if today's rain brings me advice ;-)

mum said...

I would miss your blog, but totally understand. Going private is an idea - I don't know what all it entails. Either way, we support your decision. Take care! mum

KattaZac said...

yeah... I know that going private is not what blogs are meant for... but then, it's your decision - after all, it wouldn't bother me to log in to see your blog, I already log in to comment on it ^o^

KattaZac said...

so... did you make up your mind yet? :)

mum said...

where are you DDgirl? let us know either way, please. I keep checking back on you! mum

KattaZac said...

DD, can I reply to mum before she gets worried? :) I act as if it were my blog, LOL

@Mum: DD is working lots lately, she's safe and sound, just busy ^o^ Dunno about what she's gonna do with her blog, though. Cheers! Polish Chick