Monday, September 18, 2006

And the winner is...

So, can you guess who’s my date for Thursday night?
I bet you have no clue!!!

So, I was at work when Laurent, my favorite and very married manager arrived at noon. After swimming and Jap lunch (puah!! I’m sick of living on veggies and boiled rice!! I want some cheese!!!) we went back to work and I crossed Nicolas, who was cool but kept the distances.
Merde! My ego started instantly working on me, and after half an hour I was a bit depressed of having another week without a single, decent date. Laurent watched me stepping into his office, a lollipop stuck into my month (not soooo professional, but it works), and started inquiring.
“What’s up babe? Who did you go out with in the weekend?”
I tried to stay cool, and focused on all the sport I’ve been making over the weekend. He didn’t take a word of it.
“So, what’s up with Nico?” (I might have hinted, on a drunk in the Netherlands, that we hanged out).

2 minutes later he was stepping pout of his office: “Follow me”
He rushed into the staffroom on the other side of the building and stopped by Nicolas.
“So Nico, can you manage to finish this thing by tonight?”
“Ok, so, later can you take out DDgirl for a drink?”

Oh My God. I only let you imagine how I BLUSHED!

Nicolas reply: “Sure” (turning towards me) “I’ll give you a call right?”

Later he IMed me

NicolasB: hey babe you right?
DDgirl: fine… uh, sorry ‘bout Laurent, dunno whazzup with him!
NicolasB: no probs sweetheart… I’d still like to date you though
DDgirl: ok, cool
NicolaB: but I’m to tired tonight, I need some rest.. how about Thursday
DDgirl: ok, keep in touch

I signed off, and Laurent gave me a lift home as underground’s on strike.
Did I mention I adore Laurent?

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