Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Beauty and the hunter

This morning I was walking into the office building when I stumbled into some guys from the audit department, who were going to take a coffee. I joined them, just to step into Nicolas who was taking his coffee as well.
Basically, he turned our Thursday date into an inauguration party of some co-workers’ new apartment.
To me, this means he’s not so keen about going out with me.

Am I becoming one of these awful people who always think things turn bad on them? Ouch.

Later, I got a mail from my favorite guy-friend Andrea, who has a job interview for a hot, marvelous position in Paris on Friday. So, I’ll try to persuade him to come to town to spend the weekend with me after, instead of going back to Finland or to Italy or wherever (the guy is half Italian half Finnish, and although it may sound bizarre, I can swear the result of the mix looks awfully good).

Meanwhile, I was thinking that stepping into a party with Andrea by my side is probably the best way to become men’s main target, as Andrea is quite likely to raise competition.
Okay, I see I oughta tell you something more about him…

Andrea is a dark blond guy, with luxurious straight but volume-full hair, with brighter strands around his deep blue eyes. He isn’t tall, but not a short guy either, quite in shape, very few freckles on his nose when he’s suntanned (90% of the time), that give him this sexy-innocent look.
The thing is, Andrea is everything but innocent. He’s a real hunter, and, given his look, a successful one. But don’t think he’s a tender lover or something: he’s the reigning King of One Night Stands. And basically, that’s why he’s my best friend and not my boyfriend. (Ouch, I can’t believe I just admitted this!!)
Well, Laurent, my fashionable adored lovely manager is faxing me some data to work on, so… I’ll keep you posted!

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