Friday, March 30, 2007

DDgirl, the Hunter and the Boss

“Hey Hunter, how are you doin’ ??”
“DDgirl?? Whazzup with my fave babe?”

When I finally called Andrea to discuss the engagement matter, it was already too late.

“I screwed up hun. I hooked up with the fiancée’s best friend, and now mom wants my head on a silver plate”
“Wait, what the hell were you thinking?”
“The thing is, I wasn’t thinking. You know, the problem with these Finnish chicks is that they can drink alcohol all night long without getting drunk. After one bottle of vodka, things started to be blurred. And they were both so damned hot! So when one of them started to flirt in that certain way, I just went for it. It was only later I realized it was the wrong one.”

Oh. My. God. I mean, he really did it. I quickly suggested that he apologizes by sending flowers, and then invites both girls for dinner without hooking up with any of them, and try to stay cool. Eventually, beg forgiveness. Mostly, I offered the spare bedroom of the new house, should he really be in trouble.

Somehow during the week, I also managed to confront the big boss. I walked into his office and said: “Good Morning Mr.B., can I talk to you a minute?”
“I really only have one minute, so make in fast” (Ok, not so encouraging)
“So, the thing is, I’m leaving” (yes!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!!)
“WHAT?? Oh, I see, you’re moving”
“Well, actually no, I got hired at [Competitor’s name], here in the city” (please don’t kill me)
“You see, they proposed me an important increase, plus a promotion, so…”
“Money is not everything”
“So what do you think, you big pig? Do you think that I work because I have nothing better in my life than seeing your freaking face every morning??”
Okay, I didn’t say this, I just did the chicken and asked him to let me leave in one month instead of in the three months as per my contract, and he finally agreed.

And now, you will excuse me, but I’m sooooooo going to buy a big big present for my love, who offered me 19 roses to celebrate my new job!

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